UPAA-Tomas S. Fonacier Delfin J. Jaranilla, et.al.,Scholarship for Cultural Minorities in the Philippines - Systemwide

1. An applicant for the grant must be bonafie freshman student of the University of the Philippines;
2. mus be enrolled in any four-or-five-year degree program and must carry a normal load of at least 15 units per semester;
3. must have qualified for admission; if already enrolled. must have a weighted average of at least "2.5" during the immediately preceding semester;
4. must be financially needy (parents' annuwal gross income must not excedd P200,000.00); must not have been subject of any disciplinary action worse than a five day class suspension.

1. One (1) 2"x2" photo
2. Current income tax return and/or W2 of parents. if applicant is working his/her income tax return and/or W2. If married attach ITR and/or W2 of spouse. If income is derived from business, attach income statement. If exempted from filing attach BIR certificate of exemption; If parents is unemployed, attach notarized affidavit of unemployment, indicate approximate income earned.
3. invoice, Enrollment summary,official receipt of school fees paid, Socialized Tuition cretification of bracket
4. Birth certificate
5. Certificate of good moral character form Office of Student Affairs
6. Certification from National Commission on Indigenious People (NCIP) that the student belongs to a certain tribe.

* school fees as assessed up to P6,500.00/sem.;
*book allowance of P1,000.00/sem.;
*stipend of P1,500.00.month;
*board and lodging at P1,500.00/month

March 31, 2015