UPAA of Wisconsin Scholarship- Systemwide


1. A senior student from any college of the University of the Philippines System provided that the student will complete his/her studies in two (2) semesters;
2. Earned an average grade of 2.5 or better and must have carried a load of at least 15 units with no grade of "5.00" or unremoved "4.00" or "inc" in the semester immediately preceding the application;
3. Enrolled in at least 15 units at the time of the award of the grants;
4. Financially needy (parents' annual gross income must not exceed P300,000); and
5. Not have been the subjected to any disciplinary action.

>>school fees as assessed up to P20,000/sem.;
>>book allowance of P4,000/sem;
>>monthly stipend of P3,000

DEADLINE: July 30, 2016