Announcement on SLAS Online Application schedules

To accommodate UP students who require learning assistance in AY 2022-2023. The SLAS Online is a web-based program that serves as a portal for applicants who wish to apply to student financial assistance programs of the University.

Undergraduate students, including Juris Doctor and Doctor of Medicine students, may file applications for the UP Grants-In-Aid Program (GIAP). Students may still apply for Remote Learning Assistance through the SLAS Online, however, please note that grantees would be limited to the remaining funds of the program. Beneficiaries of Free Higher Education (RA 10931) may also apply for remote learning assistance.

The SLAS Online ( 

will accept applications beginning the 1st of March 2023. Applicants must log in using their respective UP Email ( Details of this round of applications for student learning assistance are as follows:

Learning Assistance Application Period: 1 to 8 March 2023

Release of Results: 9 March 2023

Submission of Appeals: 10 to 14, 2023

For queries kindly contact the Office of Student Affairs at /
